Term Dates 23/24

Autumn Term 

Start Mon Sep 2nd 

Break up Sun Oct 27th 


Return Mon Nov 4th

Break up Sun Dec 22nd 

Spring Term 

Start  Mon Jan 6th 

Break up Sun Feb 23rd  


Return Mon Mar 3rd

Break up Sun Apr 13th 

Summer Term 

Start Mon April 28th 

Break up Sun May 25th 


Return Mon June 2nd 

Break up Sun July 20th

Please note it is your responsibility to keep a note of our term dates and to ensure that sessions are running.

On the rare occasion that we have a cancellation we will update our Facebook page and send a group email as soon as we receive the information from the pool. 

Due to the way the school terms fall, sometimes the academic year does not have 40 weeks of a particular day. If this is the case you can book in a catch up lesson to ensure you access all lessons you are paying for. The same applies with bank holidays that fall on teaching weeks ie. not in a school holiday when all swimming lessons don’t run.  

GREAT NORTH RUN – Due to it being impossible for most families to travel in and to South Tyneside on this day we will not run lessons so please book in a catch up. Please note that Gateshead Leisure Centre will still run as normal as it is accessible to most families.